copyright © špela škulj

REmind places, 2010.
Video installation / Video instalacija
Made in collaboration with / V sodelovanju z Nevena Aleksovski

Remind places is a video installation in the windows of 8 different stores in Trubarjeva street in Ljubljana.

Starting point of the work is a possibility of imaginary and transcendental space as a way of escapism and a sort of visual rest from the information over saturated surrounding. Videos are made of simple shots from the nature and, almost static and hypnotic, they are emitting contemplative and introspective spaces and are meant to transpose a viewer out of the stressful rhythm of everyday life. Installed in the windows of the stores, they appear as an opposition to a consumeristic, dinamic surrounding and are a sort of meditative, visual shelters.


REmind places je video instalacija v izložbah osmih trgovin na Trubarjevi ulici v Ljubljani.

Izhodišče dela je možnost namišljenega in transcendentalnega prostora kot načina eskapizma oziroma vizualnega počitka od informacij v vsakodnevni prenasičeni okolici. Video posnetki so narejeni iz preprostih posnetkov iz narave. Skorajda statični in hipnotični, oddajajo kontemplativne in introspektivne prostore, s katerimi želijo prenesti gledalca iz stresnega ritma vsakdanjega življenja v prav te, drugačne prostore. V izložbah trgovin so nameščeni kot nasprotovanje potrošniškemu, dinamičnemu okolju in predstvljajo meditativna, vizualna zaklonišča.