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O čem govorim, ko govorim o ničemer / What I'm talking about when I'm talking about nothing, 2022
Video instalacija / Video installation 3'55''
Projektor, zvočniki, papirnati trakovi, reflektor, ventilator, folija, časovni relej / Projector, speakers, paper tapes, reflector, fan, foil, time relay


Skozi apropriirane fotografije lahko osebne zgodbe in spomine obravnavamo kot dokazno gradivo. To nam po eni strani omogoča, da nanje gledamo kot na faktografski spomin nekega časa, hkrati pa jih lahko uporabimo tudi kot subjektivni spomenik trenutkov, odnosov in občutij. Sekvence fotografij v pričujoči video instalaciji ustvarjajo zgodbo, ki v povezavi z zvokom, svetlobo in časovnim zamikom naslavlja širše teme ter se tako med drugim dotika nestalnosti in spremenljivosti življenja ter nenazadnje, njegove minljivosti. Skozi najdene fotografije para, ki v 60. letih prejšnjega stoletja med potovanjem z osebnim avtomobilom odkriva (ne)znane pokrajine sveta, lahko spoznamo njuno začrtano pot in osebni odnos med njima, hkrati pa se ves čas zavedamo, da sta osebi iz fotografij zgolj sled, že davno izgubljena v kolektivni zgodovini.

Njuno potovanje se simbolično zaključi ob oceanu, ki s svojim vseobsegajočim horizontom govori o neskončnosti. Voda je na nek način podobna ljudem, saj tako kot sami v drugem vidimo svojo zrcalno podobo, tudi mirna gladina nenehno odseva podobo gledajočega. A vendar površina morja nikoli ni zares zrcalno gladka. Nenehno spreminjajoče se valovanje namreč vpliva na to, kako se od nje odbija svetloba. To pa nam omogoči, da lahko tako v barvi svetlobe kot obliki vode ter zgodbi para na fotografijah prepoznamo iste vzporednice nestalnosti – imanentnemu delu naših življenj.


Through appropriated photographs, personal stories and memories can be treated as evidence. On one hand, this allows us to see them as a factual memory of a passing time, but at the same time we can use them as a subjective monument to moments, relationships and feelings. The sequences of photographs in this video installation create a story that, in connection with sound, light and time delay, addresses broader topics, such as instability and changeability of life and finally, its ephemerality. Through found photos of a couple, who is discovering (un)known landscapes of the world while traveling by car in the 1960s, we can get to know their outlined path and also their personal relationship, while constantly staying aware that the two in the photos are just a trace, long lost in a collective history.

Their journey symbolically ends at the ocean, which with its all-encompassing horizon speaks of infinity. Water is in a way similar to people, because just as we see our own mirror image in another, the calm surface constantly reflects the image of the beholder. But the surface of the sea is never really mirror-smooth. Constantly changing waves affect how light is reflected from it. This allows us to recognize the same parallels of instability, an immanent part of our lives, in the color of light, shape of water and the story of the couple in the photographs.