copyright © špela škulj

Mrs. Fani’s house is the first part of the Houses project / Hiša gospe Fani je prvi del projekta Hiše, 2009
Made in collaboration with / V sodelovanju z Neja Tomšič.

It tells us a story about a woman and her life / Govori zgodbo o ženski in njenem življenju
Photographs, drawings, newspaper pages and text /Fotografije, risbe, časopisne strani in zgodbe

Houses series researches abandoned houses. Houses, which seemingly don’t have an owner. Sometimes we find them empty, sometimes full of things, houses, which remained like they were on the day when their inhabitants still thought they are going to return. An abandon house is like a man, who has been alone for a long time. It feels inappropriate to enter it. An empty house is on the other hand time that stopped. Or time which life left already, because the house remains even if life left it, it does not disappear, remaining as a construction, a proof of life and it survives those who built it.

In the Houses series, we intervene these houses. In this way, the lives return to them in form of visual interventions.


Projekt Hiše raziskuje zapuščene hiše. Hiše, ki na videz nimajo lastnika. Včasih se nam zdijo prazne, včasih polne stvari, hiše, ki so ostale takšne, kot so bile tistega dne, ko so njihovi prebivalci še mislili, da se bodo vrnili. Zapuščena hiša je kot človek, ki je že dolgo sam. Zdi se neprimerno vstopiti vanje. Prazna hiša je kot čas, ki se je ustavil. Ali čas, ki ga je življenje že zapustilo, saj hiše ostanejo tudi, če jih življenje zapusti. Ne izginejo, temveč ostanejo konstrukti, dokaz življenja in običajno preživijo tudi tiste, ki so jih zgradili.

V projektu Hiše z vizualnimi intervencijami posegamo v hiše. Na ta način vanje vračamo življenje. fani3.jpg fani4.jpg