copyright © špela škulj

Wordless is the second part of the Houses project / Brez besed je drugi del projekta Hiše, 2010
Made in collaboration with / V sodelovanju z Neja Tomšič.
Music by Boštjan Simon.
Installation: 3 videos, archeological boxes, text, photographs, different found objects and 2 chairs / Instalacija: 3 videi, arheološke škatle, beseda, fotografije, različni najdeni objekti, 2 stola

There is a house on the top of the hill. Nobody lives there.
We asked the villagers, what happened, but no one would tell us its story. We decided to record their silence.
The story of its last owner can be discovered by opening the boxes.

Houses series researches abandoned houses. Houses, which seemingly don’t have an owner. Sometimes we find them empty, sometimes full of things, houses, which remained like they were on the day when their inhabitants still thought they are going to return. An abandon house is like a man, who has been alone for a long time. It feels inappropriate to enter it. An empty house is on the other hand time that stopped. Or time which life left already, because the house remains even if life left it, it does not disappear, remaining as a construction, a proof of life and it survives those who built it.

In the Houses series, we intervene these houses. In this way, the lives return to them in form of visual interventions.


Na vrhu hriba stoji hiša. Nihče ne živi v njej.
Vaščane sva vprašali, kaj se je tam zgodilo, a nihče ni želel govoriti o tem. Odločili sva se, da posnameva njihovo tišino.
Zgodba lastnika se razkrije z odpiranjem škatel.

Serija Hiše je serija odprtih raziskovanj zapuščenih hiš. Njihove zgodbe razkrivajo rane na osebni ravni, ravni družine, skupnosti in družbe. V tem smislu hiše v seriji lahko razumemo kot ruševine nekih želja. Serija Hiše temelji na spominih in dejstvih, ki so morda resnični in likih, ki so morda fiktivni. Preplet posnetkov, koščkov pogovorov, predmetov in zgodb, gradi podobo resničnosti, ki v ospredje vselej postavlja zgodbo posameznika.

Link na zgodbo Neje Tomšič, tukaj.