copyright © špela škulj

We reflect light / Odsevamo svetlobo, 2017

Digital print on archival paper, perforation, lightbox with neon lights / Digitalni print na arhivski papir, perforacije, lightbox z neon žarnicami

The series explores the symbolic significance of light and its reflections. The study started with the idea of "the eternal universal good", as the light is sometimes interpreted by the Eastern religious systems. The photographs present us with glimmering portraits of anonymous people placed in a natural environment that create reflections with mirrors in their hands that look like light bodies. Because of the lightboxes, scattered lights seem like in constant motion, and they are spreading throughout the landscape, as opposite to the people and their light reflections that stand still in the center of the landscapes. In a metaphorical way the photographs suggests that despite the inevitable duality of light, which always carries the anticipation of death, each person has the potential to act in the direction of good and positive.


Serija raziskuje simbolni pomen svetlobe in njenih odsevov. Študija se je začela z idejo o "večnem univerzalnem dobrem", kot svetlobo občasno razlagajo vzhodni verski sistemi. Fotografije predstavljajo portrete oseb v naravi, ki z ogledali v rokah ustvarjajo odseve sončne svetlobe, ki delujejo kot svetlobna telesa. Zaradi svetlobnih škatel se zdijo razpršene luči kot v nenehnem gibanju in se širijo po celotni pokrajini, nasprotno od ljudi in njihovih svetlobnih odsevov, ki statično stojijo v središču kompozicije. Na metaforičen način fotografije kažejo, da ima človek kljub neizogibni dvojnosti svetlobe, ki v sebi vedno nosi pričakovanje smrti, možnost, da deluje v smeri dobrega in pozitivnega.