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Stvari, ki jih ne naredimo (del Projekta Nič) / Things we leave undone (part of the Project 0), 2021
Video instalacija / Video installation
Video, lineštre, mikrofon, performer / video, lights, microphone, performer


Instalacija Stvari, ki jih ne naredimo, je sestavljena iz arhivskih posnetkov avtorice, animiranega dela in svetlobne sekvence, a je poleg vizualne podobe v ospredje postavljeno besedilo. V začetku narative se na dokumentarističen način posveti temi svetlobe kot elektromagnetnemu sevanju, ki je vedno prisoten v vesolju in nadaljuje s temo spomina, ki preide v fiktivni del video dela kot osebne zgodbe ter se preko svetlobne sekvence konča v dialogu med pripovedovalcem in osebo, ki po večini odgovarja s tišino. Na koncu slednja vstopi v video preko performerja, ki odgovori na slišano z mikrofonom v rokah. A nezmožen se ukvarjati s svojim lastnim pozabljanjem raje spregovori o ritmičnem dihanju kitov in njihovem spanju.

Narava in okolje, človekovo poseganje v naravo ter konec koncev tudi nesmiselnost človeške evolucije so teme s katerimi se soočamo v video instalaciji. Spomin je sicer inherentni del vseh omenjenih tem, a je v tem delu postavljen kot samostojna tema. Dogodkov se vedno spominjamo drugače, kot so se v resnici zgodili. Na en dogodek nima nihče istega spomina. Kaj ostane od preteklosti in zakaj, gledano nazaj, določenih stvari nikoli v ne naredimo? Spomin je vesolje neskončnih možnosti, a vendar determiniran v sedanjosti vsakega izmed nas.

Interpretacija dialoga: Rok Kušlan, Glas v videu: Polona Torkar, Dramaturgija besedila: Kaja Jerneja Balog


The video, light and performative installation consists of archival video footage, digital animation and light sequence, but in addition to the visual work, there is an emphasys on the narrative. At the beginning we focus on the theme of light as electromagnetic radiation, which is always present in space, and continue with the theme of memory, which turns into the fictional part of the video work as a personal story and through a light sequence ends in a dialogue between the narrator and a person that for the most part of the dialogue responds with silence. The latter physically enters the video through a performer who responds to the text with a microphone in his hands. But unable to deal with his own forgetfulness, he prefers to talk about the rhythmic breathing of whales and their sleep.

Nature and environment, human interference with nature and, after all, the futility of human evolution are the main themes of the video installation Things we leave undone. Memory is an inherent part of all the mentioned topics, but in this work it is presented as an independent theme. We always remember events differently than they actually happened. No one has the same memory of the same event. What is left of the past and why, looking back, do we never do certain things? Memory is a universe of infinite possibilities, yet determined in the present of each of us.

Performer: Rok Kušlan, Voice over: Polona Torkar, Text dramaturgy: Kaja Jerneja Balog