copyright © špela škulj

Movements, photobook / Premiki, fotoknjiga, 2016

The photo book consists of three leaflets in a homemade cardboard box. There are three different covers with three different stickers. Each leaflet contains one of the series from the triptych Movements: Twelve positions of the hands on a cup of tea when you feel tired and annoyed, Twelve movements of the feet on a wall when you feel bored and alone and Twelve placements of the fingers on a lock of hair when you feel small and unsure.
Limited edition of 200, hand numbered.


Fotografsko knjigo sestavljajo tri zloženke v diy kartonski škatli. Vsaka zloženka predstavlja eno serijo iz triptiha Premiki: Dvanajst položajev rok na skodelici za čaj, ko se počutimo utrujeni in nejevoljni, Dvanajst premikov nog na steni, ko se počutimo zdolgočaseni in osamljeni in Dvanajst namestitev prstov na pramenu las, ko se počutimo majhni in negotovi. Obstajajo tri različne verzije platnic s tremi različnimi nalepkami.
Omejena izdaja 200, ročno oštevilčena.